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Safeguarding and protecting children is essential, alongside the educational process, as their well-being is fundamental to their academic success and personal development. By creating a safe and supportive environment, we ensure that every child feels secure and valued, enabling them to focus on their learning and achieve their full potential. Protecting children also means identifying and addressing any signs of abuse or neglect, providing the necessary support to those in need. Therefore, the responsibility for safeguarding children is crucial in creating a school community where every pupil can thrive and strive to be the best they can be.
Information about Safeguarding
Trystan Williams - Headteacher
Julie Williams - Teacher & Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCo)
Mari Evans - Teacher
Are you being abused - at home or by someone else? Is someone at home being treated badly by someone else? Do you have a friend who needs help because they are being abused?
Abuse can happen in many ways:
physical abuse: hitting, shaking, throwing, burning or using medication to harm someone.
emotional abuse: making someone feel worthless, telling them that no-one loves them; frightening them - threatening harm, being nasty; exploitation for work or sex.
sexual abuse: forcing someone to participate in sexual activity, forcing someone to look at and/or create pornographic content. Encouraging someone to engage in sexually inappropriate behaviour.
neglect: not providing suitable food, accommodation or clothing; not preventing harm or physical risk, not ensuring access to care or medical treatment; not ensuring that the child receives regular education.
What Should I do?
Contact Teulu Môn (Social Services) and tell them what's happening.
Phone: 01248 725 888
Out of hours number: 01248 353551 -
In an emergency – like when someone is being hit or shut out of their home – call the police on 999
Ring Childline on 0800 1111 or go to the ChildLine website
You can ask an adult that you trust, like a teacher or youth worker or even a friend, to make the phone call for you. When people are working with children and young people they have to follow set procedures, but they will explain to you what they will do and will support you through the process.
If you are bullied, talk to the school staff - everyone is there to help. If you want more support, ask to speak to the headteacher directly. Take a look at the Childline & Kidscape websites.
If something bothers you or makes you scared, and you're not sure if it's abuse, talk to someone you trust.
Abuse means either harming someone or not ensuring that someone isn't harmed. Abuse or neglect can happen within a family or an organisation, by people who are familiar, or less often by a stranger.
If you know a child who is at risk of abuse or is being abused, it’s very important to let the Council or the police know.
If the individual is in direct danger, call the police immediately - 999.
If not, telephone Teulu Môn (Social Services) as soon as possible to share your concern.
Teulu Môn: 01248 725 888
Out of hours number: 01248 353551
What information will I need to share?
What is the nature of your concern, and what led to it?
What is the victim's name, date of birth, address and family details? (if known)
Who has caused you this concern, and are there any other witnesses?
What happens next?
Your call will be logged and information about the individual will be checked to see whether they are familiar.
Information will be collected from other agencies that might have links to the individual.
On the basis of this information, a decision will be made about whether to investigate your concern.
This could lead to rigorous steps taken to safeguard the individual from suffering further harm.
In the event of a safeguarding / child protection allegation being made against a member of staff, the person in receipt of that allegation must immediately pass details of the concern to the Headteacher or in their absence a member of staff with Headteacher responsibilities. The Headteacher will then contact the referrals team in Teulu Môn on 01248 725 888 ( The Headteacher will then contact Gerallt Roberts, LA Education Safeguarding Officer on 01248 752 908 or 07770 642 817 to discuss the next steps in accordance with local arrangements.
If a potential safeguarding/child protection allegation is made against the Headteacher the member of staff in receipt of that allegation must contact the Chair of Governors or the LA Education Safeguarding Officer on 01248 752 908 or 07770 642 817. If the Chair of Governors receives the report they will then contact the LA Education Safeguarding Officer on 01248 752 908 or 07770 642 817. In addition, the local Social Services Referrals Team, Teulu Môn - 01248 725 888 will be able to advise when these situations arise.
Teulu Môn (Social Services):
Phone: 01248 725 888
Out of hours number: 01248 353551